Ms. Pac Man (Atari 2600) Review And Gameplay
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TheVideoGamer64 Oct 18, 2021 ()
#MsPacMan #Atari2600 #TheVideoGamer64
Hey retro gamers and modern gamers alike, in this old video of mine, I show y'all my Review & My Gameplay of one of my favorite Atari 2600 games in my gaming collection called Ms. Pac Man. Ms. Pac-Man was released on the Atari 2600 and in the Arcades back in the early 1980s. It was and still is known as one of the best Arcade games of all time to this day!

It was released in 1981 to be exact, if anyone is wondering. I think both the Arcade version and the Atari 2600 version of Ms. Pac-Man is a great game and it's one of the best games to be released in the Arcades and same with the Atari 2600 in my opinion! This was originally recorded on my tablet and uploaded in October of 2018 on YT on my TheVideoGamer64 channel. Ms. Pac-Man was played on my real Atari 2600 and on a real CRTV. I hope y'all enjoy this gaming video of mine, if y'all did, feel free to comment, rate, and subscribe to me on my TheVideoGamer64 channel on here to see more videos on here. Enjoy the video everyone and remember to KEEP ON GAMING AND KEEP COLLECTING WHAT Y'ALL LOVE TO COLLECT! :)