The Messenger - Suffering Embedded in Logic (COMPLETE REMASTER)
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The Messenger Mar 11, 2024 ()
This is a complete remaster of SEiL I made in December last year. This includes all tracks from the album, remastered and mostly retitled. Fair warning though, it's a little old and might not compare to my later output.
"This album doesn't have any themes, but is simply a collection of 26 tracks, all taken out of context and edited to the uncanny valley. Interperet them hovewer you want, it is your choice."
Listen to the original here:

Timestamps (may be inaccurate, tell me if they are):
An unlikely meetup with fate - 0:00
Bad feelings arise from the ashes - 1:57
Controlling the uncontrollable - 4:02
Distracting myself with hope - 5:36
Empty promises - 10:00
Fully inundated to my life - 13:25
Great hope in trying times - 16:16
Hollow and without context - 17:40
It's something of a sublime - 18:56
Journey's ends - 20:49
Killed the hope and dream - 22:25
Like a burned out sun, I rage on still - 23:48
Madness, an overconsuming madness has taken me afar - 25:39
Nothing is personal - 26:41
Overture - 28:17
Prestige comes at a disadvantage - 29:26
Question whether its worth living this or not now - 31:06
Rest now, a storm is coming - 32:42
She was my everything - 34:45
This was my chance - 36:38
Up into the sky - 38:23
Vanity beyond reach - 40:53
When will I see the light of day again - 42:55
Xenon of the afternoon - 44:01
Yearning for success where there is none - 45:50
Zone of disbelief and conflict - 47:13

Insert that one blurb they always put at the end of descriptions about transformative content here.