The Haggstroms - Nowhere in the Middle of Somewhere: Redux - Year 3 (2023) (Complete Release)
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The Messenger Jul 30, 2023 ()
After many a months of inactivity, behold: A full album upload!
(this is half serious, half joke (as in serious album but under a moniker focused on humour so the titles are jokey but the tracks aren't) please dont fucking kill me jord OR the moderation team of this site)

Nowhere in the Middle of Somewhere: Redux is (99% likely not) a recreation of Nowhere in the Millenium of Space: Redux that extends the original samples to their full runtime. It is NOT meant to be super totally accurate to the original, but just accurate enough so you could suspend your disbelief or something. Unlike many other fan projects of this type, this one plays around with stuff and is not afraid to change and innovate, if you went in expecting hour long tracks full of only bumper, then fuck right off, I don't need you anyway.


This third year is the point where the actual Stage 2 style tracks begin, and the quality of the tracks themselves rise. Although alot of them are your typical "boohoo i was happy now im depress" shenanigans, some are surprisingly actually cheerful, and some are even full on bangers! Blablablablabla distortions are more several than last time blablablablablablablabla its more memorable than year 2, so on and so forth. From this point on, some tracks also get so fucking long that I have to export them in .flac just so I don't hit the Bandcamp max for megabytes. I guess this is just what I have to do to endure my suffering, huh. Anyhow, this is good, go listen to this or something.



0:00 - E1 - An overcaster Irshreasmrngrfnmmg
7:39 - E2 - jesus fucking christ
25:03 - E3 - Each sample seems longer than the last
34:06 - E4 - oh hey the poverty songs back thats nice
42:12 - E5 - impaled ike common street trash in Harlem (18+)
45:58 - E6 - His Name Is Big Black Backpack Google "Liam Plecak ONE" In GOogle Images To Find Out More
51:46 - F1 - this is totally the beatles
1:08:16 - F3 - i can't fucking take this anymore
1:14:11 - F4 - [Insert that one gag from Family Guy about 5 seconds here]
1:19:49 - F5 - Resonant Frequencies !
1:30:02 - F6 - sorry fell asleep

Album cover is "he only knows 3 songs, and all of them are pink floyd" by Me , credit for the original to Holist.
Production, Mastering, etc. is also Me.
Original Fan Project was led by Jordan Keuring, it is Very good go check it out.
Inspirations are Somewhere in the Middle of Time, The Caretaker, and whatnot.

Insert that one blurb they always put at the end of descriptions about transformative content here. Okay, but to be clear, this is not one of those extremely lazy "S L O W E D + R E V E R B 🌹" videos, this has ACTUAL effort in it. Also the context matters, since this is a Caretaker fan project after all, so I should be clear to go!

Also this album was originally from my Bandcamp!
I wholeheartedly believe this is the best way to listen to both The Messenger albums AND The Haggstroms albums at once, since this is basically the only way I upload music to everyone else (other than this place and a few other ones that I enter once in a blue moon). Go check it out, I think it's neat.