My Movie Finds From The Garage Sale That I Went To
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TheVideoGamer64 Apr 27, 2022 ()
#VHS #MovieFinds #DVDs
In this video of mine, I show y'all all of the VHS tapes and the DVD that I got recently. I went to a garage sale that is run by two guys and they were selling movies and other things, but I went through the movies to see if I could find western movies and other movies there and I did. I'm very happy that I got a great deal on these movies to add to my movie collection! I'm thankful for them all too. One of the films that I got recently is a 1951 film called The Day The Earth Stood Still on DVD! Most of the movies on tape that I got recently are Western movies.

One of the films that I got on VHS Tape is a classic film of John Wayne name The Cowboys, I even find a non western film that I did not have in my collection yet of Clint Eastwood! This was originally recorded on my computer and added to my TheVideoGamer64 channel on this website on April 27th, 2022. I hope y'all do find this video entertaining. If y'all did, feel free to comment your favorite movie that I got recently, and like or rate this video, and don't forget to subscribe to see more videos on this channel and my PhysicalMediaGuy64 channel. Enjoy everyone! Remember to keep on gaming and keep collecting physical media! :)

Here's A Link To My Other Channel If WeVidi If Y'all Want To Add Me As A Friend Or Subscribe To Me On It. :) It'll say MovieCollector64 on the link, but it's my PhysicalMediaGuy64 channel!