A Game & Two Movies I Got On Blu Ray Recently
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TheVideoGamer64 Mar 18, 2022 ()
#PS4 #MoviesOnBluRay #OldMovies
Hey everyone, welcome to my video! In this video, I show a total of three items that I got recently, I show one PS4 game, and two classic movies that I got recently on Blu-Ray! I'm glad, proud, and thankful to have these three items in my gaming and movie collection! The game I got was Call Of Duty: Black Ops III on PlayStation 4 to play on my PlayStation 5. What are the two movies that I got on Blu Ray recently? Find out in this video! I hope y'all enjoy this video of mine and this was originally recorded on my new computer and added to my TheVideoGamer64 and added to this website on March 18th, 2022, and it will be added to my MovieCollector64 channel another time on different websites! If y'all enjoyed this video of mine, feel free to comment, like / rate this video and subscribe to see my current videos and future content! Enjoy everyone and remember to keep on gaming and keep collecting what y'all love to collect!! :)