2 Games & Toys From The Past!
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TheVideoGamer64 Feb 15, 2022 ()
#SegaGenesis #GameBoyAdvance #VintageMarvelToys
In this video, I show y'all a Sega Genesis game that I got recently and a Nintendo Game Boy Advance game that I got recently. I also show some vintage toys that are mine from when I was a kid and gave them to my friend in the past and he gave them back to me. I am very happy and thankful for the two games that I got recently and the vintage toys from the past that I have in my collection!! :)

This was originally recorded on my new computer on February 15th, 2022 and added to my TheVideoGamer64 channel on February 15th, 2022. I hope y'all enjoy the video of mine! If y'all did, feel free to comment, like or rate this video and subscribe to me on my TheVideoGamer64 channel to see more videos on here. Enjoy everyone and remember to KEEP ON GAMING AND KEEP COLLECTING WHAT Y'ALL LOVE TO COLLECT! :)