EYE SEE RED | Episode 3: A Reunion of Altercations | Iox After Dark
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iox Apr 07, 2022 ()
After a sudden altercation and confrontation with The Red Man, a jolt awakens in Tyler as his ambitions to solve this mystery have truly begun. He noticed on the news broadcast of Thomas J. Parker a reporter on channel 06 talking about a spree of similar crimes that had happened long again in the 60s, 70s, and even into the late 80s in his town, but that there was no clear evidence as to who or what was the culprit. Tyler decides that a reunion with Jason was needed in his first few step to solving this strange case of murders. Although it wasn’t as easy as he seemed to believe, as something new was coming, and it was coming for revenge.
Created by Suren A Films:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNxi...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/surenkhan2000
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suren_amini/

Opening Track Made By "Sweat Tuesday" aka Coker0415:

Lil Nas X - Tales of Dominica

Music & Sound FX - YOUTUBE

Episode One:
Episode Two:

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