7 PlayStation 4 Games That I Added To My Collection Recently
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TheVideoGamer64 Feb 21, 2024 ()
#PlayStation4 #PlayStation5 #PlayStation
Hi everyone, in this video of mine, I show y'all a total of 7 PlayStation 4 games that I added to my Gaming Collection recently!

I got great games that are on PlayStation 4 game system. One of the games is only on PlayStation 4, and one of my other games that I show in this video is a game I've already beaten!

This was recorded on February 21st, 2024, a day before my birthday. Now it's on here on an awesome website called WeVidi on February 21st, 2024.

I hope y'all enjoyed the video, if y'all did, feel free to subscribe to my channel, comment, and rate this video to see more retro, modern gaming, and other types of videos, such as movie pickups and stuff like that. Enjoy the video everyone, remember to keep on gaming, keep on having fun and keep collecting what y'all love to collect! :)

Note: I will be starting to record more videos as soon as I pickup more stuff! :)

Another Note: This video does not have my most current intro, I will remaster this video another time in the future with the intro. Enjoy everyone and have a great day! :)